Master your
future with USI

Discover the top 3 reasons to join USI

The top 3 reasons to join USI

The top 3 reasons to join USI

Gain world-class credibility

The faculty and the students are an international group, with education and work experience from all around the world .

Enter the Swiss business network

Graduates are ready to enter the job market at management level, have direct access to the Swiss business community during their studies and gain valuable hands-on experience in the field.

Achieve results for your career

The Masters programmes are designed to provide graduates, from a wide variety of backgrounds, with the necessary tools and skills for understanding modern corporate and technological standards creating the best possible start for a successful career.

What USI students say

What USI students say

Ester Punzo

MSc in Management

“The Master was a fully immersive experience: international professors and students melt their different cultures, knowledge and backgrounds creating the right mindset to approach an international career. The concrete and hands-on method represents a unique opportunity and a real plus for students entering the professional world.”

Jesper Findahl

MSc in Software and Data Engineering

“I like the combination of interactive lectures and practical assignments because I think it has helped me learn better and given me a solid foundation for my future career.”

Isabel Patricia Stark

MSc in Corporate Communication

“The Master program in Corporate Communication is the perfect mix for those in the field of communication that are strategic and creative at the same time. Fellow students from all over the world broaden their horizons to look at problems from different perspectives. We are not only the future communication experts but we are also bridging gaps between cultures.”

Do you qualify?

Do you qualify?

Are you eligible for the admission?

The formal requirement for admission is a bachelor’s degree granted by a recognised university. Candidates are expected to have acquired basic concepts of their chosen path corresponding to introductory courses on Bachelor level in order to follow the programme effectively.

Do you have B2 English level?

Applicants who are non-English native speakers, or whose previous degree was obtained in another language, are required to provide an internationally acknowledged language certificate equal to the B2 level, as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Students admitted under this condition need to achieve the C1 English level within the maximum time required to obtain the Master’s degree.

Application process

Next intake is September. The deadline for applications was June 30 (April 30 for students who need to apply for a visa). Any applications submitted after this date will be reviewed and places will be offered according to availability.

Are you eligible for the admission?

The formal requirement for admission is a bachelor’s degree granted by a recognised university. Candidates are expected to have acquired basic concepts of their chosen path corresponding to introductory courses on Bachelor level in order to follow the programme effectively.

Do you have B2 English level?

Applicants who are non-English native speakers, or whose previous degree was obtained in another language, are required to provide an internationally acknowledged language certificate equal to the B2 level, as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Students admitted under this condition need to achieve the C1 English level within the maximum time required to obtain the Master’s degree.

Application process

Next intake is September. The deadline for applications was June 30 (April 30 for students who need to apply for a visa). Any applications submitted after this date will be reviewed and places will be offered according to availability.

USI Università della Svizzera italiana
Via G. Buffi 13 6904 Lugano CH

USI Università della Svizzera italiana
Via G. Buffi 13 6904 Lugano CH
0041 (0)58 666 47 95

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